Sunday, March 1, 2009

Antonym for overpopulation

Note to lexographers:

Merriam-Webster Web Dictionary
Function: noun
Date: 1802
1: the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash.

Addition suggested:
Date: 1965
2: economic jargon for one leg of capitalism’s three-legged stool, the other two being a non-union worker class and unregulated access to Earth’s resources.
Antonym: underpopulation.

New word suggested:
Function: noun
Date: 2009
1: the condition of having a population below the capacity of its productivity and spare enough to be civil, sustainable, and environmentally benign.
Date: 2009
2: economic jargon for a lamentable condition when parents fail to have enough children to avoid collapse of national economies, requiring retooling of 19th Century capitalism’s policies irrationally based on unending growth.
Antonym: overpopulation.

1 comment:

  1. I advocate for a full/complete lexicon, and this one answers our biggest need - to conceptualize and then to actualize a 'civil & sustainable' existence.
